Crazy dude, it looks awesome!
Crazy dude, it looks awesome!
Thanks Andrew! :)
The animation was good and smooth plus the cartoon made me hungry, mmm. The only complain I guess would be the minimal character detail and no backgrounds, but I did enjoy it!
i was planing on doing some backgrounds but i had to finish this today cuz otherwise this wouldnt of came out until next week
Also i have an "artistic" block for coming up with backgrounds :D
But my nes cartoon will be better, i promise
Fuck, Ieat horse food sometimes, am I going to jail?
yes you are, Ryan's going to take you to jail now
Great cartoon Jon!
This is just great
Don't know what you're talking about, this cartoons is great!
I mean I dunno, you really, I mean really improove that animation!
Gosh dang dude, you are getting better with each cartoon!
WARNING: my page has adult content. So no gugu gaga boo boos allowed.
Age 26, Male
Burger king
Yo mama
Joined on 8/11/13